
Komanda piedalās

8. maijs 13:00

Wings for Life World Run

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Mājas lapa: Wings for Life World Run

Skrējiens 34 pasaules vietās vienlaicīgi. Starts 11:00 UTC jeb 14:00 (Latvijas laiks), jeb 13:00 (CET).
Dalības maksa 100% apjomā tiek izlietota labdarībai – muguras smadzeņu traumu pētniecības projektiem.

Izmantojot viedtālruni, varēs arī skriet jebkurā vietā, kur sakaru operatoram ir pārklājums.

Wings for Life World Run: Running for those who can’t.

It all started with a simple but intriguing idea on a layover at Moscow airport: What if you could get the whole world running? Everyone, worldwide, on the same day, at the same time. A race of epic proportions with just one lone runner left at the end. A world run. But could it be done? It could.

Breaking Boundaries

With the race concept in place, the Catcher Cars moved into pole position in everyone’s minds. Completely new tracking technology was needed, so thousands of runners across the world could be ranked fairly. To ensure each year’s race would eventually end, the Catcher Cars increase their speed at given intervals until the last runner is caught.

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Piedalās - 4

Varbūt piedalās - 1

Seko līdzi - 1





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