
Komanda piedalās

19. aprīlis 09:00

Vienna City Marathon [ATCELTS!]

Vieta: ,
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Distance: , , , ,

Mājas lapa: Vienna City Marathon [ATCELTS!]

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Run Vienna – Home of 1:59
Join VCM on 19th April 2020!

Reach for the stars and run in classical Vienna, the most liveable city in the world. We look forward to seeing you at the 37th Vienna City Marathon on 18th and 19th April 2020! The Vienna City Marathon offers two days of running events for the whole family.


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Piedalās - 3

2 komentāri rakstam Vienna City Marathon [ATCELTS!]

  • Andulis

    Organizatori stāsta:

    “Info from 10 March 2020, 12:45

    At a press conference on 10 March 2020, the Austrian Federal Government prohibited the holding of outdoor events with more than 500 participants and indoor events with more than 100 participants in Austria until the beginning of April due to Covid-19. More detailed information will be laid down in a written and legally effective decree.

    Although the organisation of the Vienna City Marathon (VCM) on 18 and 19 April is not directly affected by this measure for the time being, the situation is unclear and further steps are pending.

    We have therefore closed the registration for all VCM 2020 events with immediate effect.
    Health always comes first. In the interest of the health of all participants, helpers and the population, the decisions of the responsible authorities are binding and important for all of us.

    We will inform you about further developments on our channels immediately.”

    Cerēsim, ka nākošie soļi nesekos…

  • eees eees

    Atcēla arī šo…”
    “The Vienna City Marathon 2020 will not take place.”
    “In the coming weeks we will comprehensively evaluate and clarify the consequences of this cancellation for the organization of the Vienna City Marathon. As soon as possible we will send you, the participants, an offer so that you can participate with pleasure in one of the next events of the Vienna City Marathon.

    We ask for your understanding that this is also for us an extraordinary and unprecedented situation. Please allow us some time to evaluate all aspects and for administrative preparation.





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