
Komanda piedalās

7. aprīlis 09:00

Vienna City Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Vienna City Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

A stage of 42.195 kilometres, 42,000 performers, one million viewers: the Vienna City Marathon 2019 transforms Vienna to a huge “Theater of Emotions”.
For this year’s theme the Vienna City Marathon combines joy in living, cultural breadth and depth and the tradition of Viennese society with sporting and emotional moments. The participants are the actors in the spotlight, the spectators the audience and the course through historic and modern Vienna with the new finish in front of the Burgtheater is the magnificent stage.
Anticipation, exertion, euphoria, pride…all manner of feelings combine to make the Vienna City Marathon an unforgettable Theatre of Emotions!


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