
Komanda piedalās

21. novembris 08:00

Verona Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K

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Mājas lapa: Verona Marathon, Half Marathon & 10K

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

GAAC 2007 Veronamarathon with its November events, invites you to discover the ancient history of Verona .
HOKA Verona Marathon
For the most fearless and prepared , a 42.195 km journey of discovery of the beauties of our city, accompanied by the fresh air of our Adige river and the panorama that offers the beautiful Verona.

Zerowind Cangrande Half Marathon
21,0975km a challenge for running novices and for those who want to bring home results fully enjoying one of the most beautiful and romantic cities of art in Italy.

Avesani Last10Km
Finally the famous Last10km , the final 10km of the Verona marathon. A unique path within the walls of our city …run or walk and experience the history of the city of Romeo and Juliet.



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