WFGT (World Federation of Great Towers) Towerrunning Challenge
Estonian National Championship
Time and location: Sunday, 6th of April 2025. Race is open between 11.30-12.30.
Location: Tallinn TV Tower, Kloostrimetsa tee 58A, 11913, Tallinn, Estonia
Distance: 170 meters, 916 stairs. On 3rd and 13th floor are small corridors. Floors are numbered.
Registration and participation fees: or
Until 03.04.2025
M/N (1986-2006) 20.-
M/N (born in 1985 and earlier) 20.-
M/N (born in 2007 and later) 12.-
Anonymous (M/N) 20.- (possible to buy on
On site for everyone 25.-
TWA top 10 athletes (men/woman) get free entry to race. (January 2025 ranking)
To get free entry send e-mail:
Other active licence TWA athletes can get entry for 10.-
IBAN:EE137700771002800320 MTÜ Eesti trepi- ja tõusujooksud
Start: Gathering, registry and competition center is located on the second floor of the tower. Start to stairs is on the first floor. Start is individual, interval is every 15-20 seconds. Stairs turn to the right and is equipped with a metal handrail. For greater comfort we suggest to wear nonslipping gloves.
Timing: Timing is electronic with VIIPAR-chips, the rent is included in entry fee. After the race you are awaited back to the race center on the second floor, where finishing time will be downloaded from the chip. You will get printed ticket with Your time. The chip must be returned to the organizer.
Safety: Each participant is responsible for their health and physical ability to take part of the race. Medical staff for first aid will be available. Refreshing water will be available at the finish.
Spectators: allowed inside the building, to get up its mandatory to buy ticket.
Dressing and baggage room: Wardrobe is located on the first floor. Bags can be left to coin operated lockers, or to the movie room. Clothes can be changed in the restroom.
Awarding ceremony: Organizer will reward top 3 men and women in absolute class (open) Estonian Championship: top 3 men and women in absolute class, top three in each age group. In addition, all athletes take part of raffle. The awarding ceremony will take place as stated on timerable (about 30 minutes after final race).
Age groups:
M ja N 2007 born and younger
M ja N 1986 born and younger (absolute class with junior and veterans)
M ja N 1985 born and older
To get Estonian Championship medals must be Estonian citizenship status.
The participants of the Tallinn TV Tower run respect the rules and regulations of the sport. The rules and regulations that apply to this event are set by the Towerrunning World Association (TWA). Meaning that the Estonian Anti-Doping Agency and any other organisation that has the right to carry out doping testing amongst all the participants can do so at this event.
Informācija varētu parādīties arī
- Agrāk kalendārā: 2019
- Facebook (arī citi līdzīgi igauņu pasākumi); FB pasākums
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