
26. janvāris 06:30

Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon

Vieta: ,
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Distance: , ,

Mājas lapa: Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon
Pieteikšanās lapa: Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Following Tamirat Tola’s new course record win in January this year, the average of the top ten times in the history of the Dubai Marathon is 2h:04m:36s making it the third fastest in Marathon history behind only Berlin and London, while it is the second fastest Marathon in the world based on the average of the top ten results since 2010. In the women’s race, the Dubai Marathon is the only Marathon in history to have three runners break a time of 2h:20m in the same race (2012).


Marathon fee 120 USD

  • Agrāk   2013

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Viens komentārs rakstam Standard Chartered Dubai Marathon

  • guncha guncha

    Elitei fantastiski cipari. Pirmie 10 etiopi (Geremew Bayih 2:04:00 Winner, dāmām pirmās 7 etiopietes (Dereje Bekele 2:19:17 Winner), V50 1.v. kolumbietis 2:51:12 (varētu būt pat man sasniedzams :-)). Pirmajā 100-niekā pat ar 3:14:00 var iekļūt, Berlīnē ar 2:42:14 tikai uz ap 160 vietu varētu izcīnīt).





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