
12. jūlijs 10:00

Rōuge Trail Marathon of 3 Towers (Paganamā – Munameģis)

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Mājas lapa: Rōuge Trail Marathon of 3 Towers (Paganamā – Munameģis)
Pieteikšanās lapa: Rōuge Trail Marathon of 3 Towers (Paganamā – Munameģis) pieteikšanās

Rõuge Trail Marathon of 3 Towers is a “from point to point” trail run by a very different and interesting landscape – hills, valleys, swamps and narrow single-tracks. The 42+km distance runs through hard terrain – deep valleys, narrow tracks, swamps. In addition to all this the track crosses twice over the country border.

The race center is situated in Haanja near The Suur Munamägi!
The start-place is situated in Paganamaa, near the tower!   + mazliet informācija arī latviski
Marathon distance has 4 service-points (SP).
Final maps, profile and gpx-file will be available by the end of  May!

Rõuge Trail Marathon takes part on July, 12th 2020, start will be given at 10am. The control time is 7 8 hours, so the marathon result will be counted for everyone, crossing the finish-line before 6pm!!!

There are two possibilities to get from the race center (finish) to the start – organized transport or own transport. Organized transport from finish to the start is free of charge, organizers will not support any transport from finish to start after the race. Organizers will support the transport of the participants stuff (one marked bag per participant) from start to the finish.

Entry opens on 16th of January 2020 through following options:
– by our homepage
– by e-mail info[ät]
The entry fees are:
– early bird price until 28/2/2020 (due to Covid-19 extended until 17/5/2020) – 36€
– normal price until 31/5/2020 – 42€
– last but not least price until 8/7/2020 – 48€
– last and final price until 12/7/2020 – 54€
– entry fee includes: marked track, time-keeping, transport to the start, service points on the track and feeding in the finish, diploma, medal, awards for 3 best men and women, also lots of wild nature and picturesque views.

– everyone will participate in the race at their own risk and responsibility, every participant should know, that the track goes through wild areas with no settlements nor transport possibilities. Abandoning the race is possible only in the Service Points.
– participant should carry on obligatory equipment –  a fully loaded mobile phone with the contact of chief organizer, some nutrition, drinking bottle or bag, in cooler weather some special warmer clothes
– under 18 years old (born later than 12/7/2002) can take part only with the grown-up accompanist, the entry fee for the under 18 years old is 50% from the actual entry fee
– it is allowed to use ski- or nordic walking poles
– there are no drinking-cups in the service points, participant must carry its own cup to get drink from the SP

NB! KEEP THE NATURE CLEAN! Please do not throw trash (used packages, bottles) into the nature. You can put them into the trash-can in every SP.

SK Haanja Rattamaratonid MTÜ, e-mail:, phone: +372 511 4179 (Mr. Ivar Tupp, speaking English, Finnish, Russian).


  • Agrāk     2019 (taku maratons, pusmaratons);     2016 (taku ultra);     2014,   2013 (maratons, pusmaratons)

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5 komentāri rakstam Rōuge Trail Marathon of 3 Towers (Paganamā – Munameģis)

  • Andulis

    “Lielais paldies to all the Latvians, who came and run from Korneti to Rõuge.” Tā organizators rakstīja pērn…

    Vai šogad, mainītā trasē, vairs neviens negrib?
    Blakus (šobrīd) pieteiktajiem 68 igauņiem redzam arī 2 somus un vienu lietuvieti… bet latvieši pārāk lepni. Lai gan tiek solīts arī tagad skrējienā šķērsot LV/EE robežu. Divreiz :)

    Vai arī… visi aizņemti ar Kliņķi un rogainingiem?

    Lai nu kā tur būtu, taču vēl 73 stundas (līdz trešdienas beigām) pasākums maksā 48 EUR. “Pēdējā brīdī” – 54 EUR.

  • Andulis

    “Kahtlaselt lähedale hakkab jõudma osalejate number meie osalejapiirangutele!”

    Mašīntulkojums – “The number of participants is starting to get close to our participant restrictions!”

    Tagad sarakstā jau dubultmaratonam atbilstošs skaits = 84. Taisni piestāv arī pirmajam latvietim :)

    Varētu domāt, ka šogad tas dalībnieku limits būs 90 vai 100? Atšķirībā no pērnajiem 60. Laikam daba kļuvusi vismaz pusotru reizi izturīgāka pret kaitēkļiem = cilvēkiem.

  • Aivars Aivars

    Žēl… šo es patiešām nepamanīju. Pat neiedomājos, ka šogad varētu notikt. Izskatās, ka trase vēl interesantāka nekā pērn – nav tik daudz vairs garlaicīgās grantenes. Un tad vēl Munameģis desertā!
    Ceru, ka Ivars nākamgad atkal ko līdzīgu saveidos.

  • Andulis

    Lauma šo bija ielikusi jau pirms kādiem 6-7 mēnešiem (paldies viņai!).
    Pieļauju, ka tie 3 torņi nosaukumā varēja samulsināt. Nomaskēt šo pasākumu :D

    Kas attiecas uz Covid-19… zinām taču, ka igauņi pirmie atsāka sacensties ;)

  • laacis1981 laacis1981

    Bija riktīgi skaists skrējiens-man pat ļoti patika.!





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