
3. maijs 07:30

Roads to Rhodes Marathon [ATCELTS!]

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Mājas lapa: Roads to Rhodes Marathon [ATCELTS!]

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The 7thInternationalRhodes Marathon is postponed for April 18th, 2021 (= šogad nenotiks)

The Organizing Committee of the International Rhodes Marathon, giving the highest priority to the protection of individual and public health, adapting to the measures taken by the Greek government and complying to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding prevention of spreading the coronavirus Covid-19, decided to postpone the 7th race that was due to take place on May 3rd, 2020.


Αn incredible experience for every runner!
A route next to the endless blue of the Aegean and the medieval walls of Rhodes.


Atzīmēt piedalīšanos VSK Noskriet kalendārā, var tikai VSK Noskrien biedri. Bet ja tu tāds neesi, tad vari par tādu kļūt.

VSK Noskrien - galvenais nav uzvarēt, galvenais ir noskriet.
VSK Noskrien biedri kas piedalās
Neviens no VSK Noskrien vēl nepiedalās.

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