
Komanda piedalās

4. septembris 13:00

Ring O’ Fire (4.-6. septembris)

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Ring O’ Fire is an annual 135 mile coastal ultra marathon circumnavigating the Isle of Anglesey, North Wales.

This epic foot race is staged over three consecutive days (Start 1300hrs 4th – 6th September 2015) and follows the rugged and spectacular Anglesey Coastal Path around the island. The extreme distance and variable terrain places Ring O’ Fire as one of the most extreme ultra marathons in the United Kingdom.

Set against the dramatic backdrop of Snowdonia Mountain Range, Ring O’ Fire offers adventurous runners the opportunity to challenge their limits in some of the most awe inspiring coastal scenery in Wales.

Almost all the coastline of Anglesey is a designated “Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty” and runners will encounter a wide variety of terrain, including: tidal estuaries, sandy beaches, pebbled and rocky coves, steep cliff top paths, sand dunes, farmers’ fields and sections of forest.

Ring O’ Fire should not be underestimated; the 135 mile distance (~216 km) and 13,695 feet of vertical ascent (~4000 m) make this a mammoth undertaking for even the most hardy of runners.

Kvalifikācijas skrējiens The North Face® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® 2016/2017 distancēm – 4 punkti (jeb 5 “jaunie” ITRA punkti).
qualifying race 2016

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