More than a year has passed since the wild events of March 2020 in Põltsamaa, when after exaggerating with alcohol, you made the people of the town so angry that you finally had to run away from them. Fortunately, after 24 hours of escape, you escaped and now you have had to live for a year as a refugee on the prairie of Wild Estonia and eat only cowberrys and canned raccoon meat. But the memory of the 1994 beauty queen of Järvamaa, who you met in Põltsamaa is hard to extinguish in your heart. That is why you are excited when you hear rumors that the beauty has swept the dust of Põltsamaa from her feet and moved to Põlva. You decide to end your refugee life and go and look for her there. On
On Saturday
Wherever direction you want. Of course, going to Lake Peipsi is not a very sustainable choice, but if you still want to, why not. You also choose the escape route.
In fact, there is still one limitation. The springs on the Passats are very old and low and they can only drive on the main roads and because of that there is very dangerous! In other words, major intercity main roads may only be used for a maximum length of 1 km and only once per every road during the escape period. Crossing the road (both above and below) is also considered as use. Light roads and collection roads that run alongside main roads are also considered as part of main road. It should be noted that the main roads do not end at the city limits, but also continue inside the settlements and are also prohibited there.
When walking in the forest / field next to the main road, keep at least 500 meters away. If another road adjacent to the main road that is closer than 500 meters is used, it is only allowed if it is a separate road that is not part of the main road and has a separate marking. When planning your escape route, you could consult with the organizer if you want to use roads, what are suspicious.
As an exception, it is allowed to use main road number 92.
The list of Estonian main roads can be found here:…
Map of main roads:…
The main roads of Latvia, Russia and Finland may not be used also. List of main roads in Latvia:…/List_of_National_Roads_in…
No! Passats can smell very good and they would find you quickly! All progress must be made on foot and no aids what would help to move on may be used.
As an exception, it is allowed to use the Kavastu ferry. Organizer dont have any clue how and when it moves,
The Passats will get you! Prrr how awful it will be! Even crying doesn’t help here anymore, there is no compassion to be expected from Passats! Next, you have to manage yourself and evacuate yourself.
If the situation is critical, you must call the Rescue Center, because the organizer does not have any ability to rescue anyone anywhere.
Congratulations, you have successfully escaped Passats! Next, you should see for yourself what happens next. You are completely free to do whatever you want. You can engage in other hobbies, for example carving penguins from pine tree.
P.S. After that, you should find a way yourself to home.
No! You have to manage yourself! If a roadside shop or gas station is still Passat-free, you can get something from it.
Yes it is. But you can’t move forward using the assistance. Not a meter!
If the weather is bad and you are not very experienced in the fine art of escaping Passats, it would even be advisable to have a support team who can provide warm/dry clothes or you can rest or sleep in their car.
All fugitives get a GPS tracker to see their movements. The point where they will be on Sunday,
If you decide to finish before 24 hours have elapsed, you must send an SMS to the organizer with your name and end time. In this case, the place where you are at that moment is taken into account as the result.
Organizers monitor everyone’s movement 24 hours for safety reasons and will contact you if you have stopped for a longer time. If you plan for a stop, what will take longer than 30 minutes, please send SMS with that information to same number, then you can sleep without interruption.
Please write this number somewhere or save it on your phone. If you also use your phone for navigation, you should definitely have a battery pack with you. We will publish the phone number later in the guide.
– A headlamp that must be lit in the dark
– There must be a red flashing light visible behind the body, which must be on from the start.
– Spare batteries for both the headlamp and the red flashing light
– Mobile phone switched on
– Reflective vest
– GPS tracker provided by the organizer, which must be attached to the hand or in a bag on top of things (attached to the bag wall with a safety pin).
As a separate class, there is possibility to escape by bicycle. The following exceptions to the general rules apply to a bicycle class:
– It is allowed to use any non-motorized bicycle to move forward.
– The control time for escaping with bicycles is 12 hours, the the escape with bicycles ends on 8.05 at 24:00
All other sections of the guide, including the ban on the use of main roads and the mandatory equipment to be taken, also apply to escape by bicycle.
The three best men, women and cyclists will be awarded. Prizes will be sent to everyone by post after the escape.
The GPS tracker must be sent to one of the following parcel machines on Monday 10.05:
Smartpost: Tallinn Hiiu Rimi
DPD: Tallinn Hiiu Rimi
Omniva: Tallinn Valdeku CoMarket
Telephone number to be used for sending the parcel: +372 56 66 99 77
The fugitive is responsible for the GPS tracker given to him and if something happens to it, he is obliged to pay 150.- €.
If the fugitive does not send out the GPS tracker on 10.05, a fine of 10.- € will be applied for each day of delay.
HOME PAGE AND REGISTRATION: (rules will be available in January 2021). Registration starts from 27.04.2021 and the entry fees are:
1-31 of March 2021 – 36 €
1-18 of April 2021 – 48 €
April 27th at 6pm – May 4th at 6pm 36 €
Later registration is not possible.
Check Facebook for updates!
- Agrāk 2020 (no Peltsamā)
- DUV (visi gadi; 2021. nav vēl ielikts)
- Sekošana trekeriem kartē (ieraksts)
Rules are published:
As the situation with covid-19 is still bad, we are postponing the start of registration. Check Facebook event for updates
Izrādās, ziņas publicētas pirms nedēļas – tikai nevis notikumā/pasākumā (event), bet pašā Facebook lapā. Īsti konkrētas tās nav, protams.
Ja vēl kāds, līdzīgi man, nejūtas FB-mīlis, tad te nedaudz rediģēts Google tulkojums no oriģināla:
P.S. Atbilstoši igauņu premjeres nesen teiktajam un tikko vēlreiz apstiprinātajam – ar 11. aprīli, visticamāk, nekas nebeigsies, ierobežojumi mīkstināti netiks.
Par 90% sliecos domāt, ka Bēgšanu nāksies pārcelt…
According to the Estonian Government announcement today, current covid restrictions are prolonged for 2 weeks until 25.04. We have moved the date of Escape preliminary to 1.05. This leaves only 1 week for registrations and all other organizational things, but we will manage.
Pārcelts vēl nedēļu vēlāk uz 08.05.
Info no fb:
Tā kā atbilstoši šodien iesniegtajai programmai, sporta sacensības 150 cilvēku grupās ir atļautas sākot no 3.05, sākotnēji pasākuma datumu atliekam uz vēl vienu nedēļu uz 8.05 Vismaz uz to mēs pagaidām mērķējam. Tiklīdz būsim saņēmuši visas nepieciešamās atļaujas un koordināciju, mēs arī atvērsim reģistrāciju. Vēl mazliet pacietības!
Pirmie 13 igauņi jau pieteikušies. Redzēs, ko dienvidu kaimiņi… :)
Interesanti, ka būs arī velo-bēgšana divreiz īsākā laikā – 12 stundās!
Pirmās 70 pieteikšanās stundas aizritējušas, dalībnieku sarakstā 19 igauņi.
Njā, var gadīties, ka COVID radītie ierobežojumi šoreiz liegs gada
pirmajam “pus-attālinātajam”otrajam ne-virtuālajam (*) Baltijas ultramaratonam būt starptautiskam.* Proti, vismaz starts ir klātienē, nosacīti kopīgs.
Pirmais Baltijas ultra-pasākums šogad, kas nav pilnīgi attālināts. Labojiet, ja ko aizmirsu…Jāatzīst, ka pirmā klātienes ultra Baltijā tomēr ir jau notikusi šogad: Taliharja Vanakuri 9.-10. janvārī!
Atvainojos par dezinformāciju. Tagad iepriekšējais komentārs palabots.
Pag, kā tur bija, pasākums tiešām notika? Rezultātus īsti nemanīja un man šķiet, ka bija jāstartē stundas laikā un šķiet, ka netradicionāli tumsā. Bet iespējams, ka kļūdos. Šo gribētu noskriet kādā no tuvākajām ziemām, jo Liepājas ezeram vairs nevajadzēs riņķot apkārt.
Jā. ITRA linkā ir garākās jeb pamatdistances rezultāti. 51 km laikam nav sūtīti frančiem.
Nākamgad tiek plānots atkal citā vietā – kaut kur Viljandi pusē jeb Mulgimaa!
34 igauņi + 1 latvietis!
Jau nospriedu, ka pat Lielkuilis kļuvis prātīgs… tomēr nav gan ;))) Cik maz vajag dienas priekam :)
Varbūt kāds (kāda) piebiedrosies? Reģistrācija vēl līdz 18:00.
Neatradās neviens no Igaunijas puses, kas varētu man pirms starta atvest GPS trekeri uz robežu, tad nu startēšu ārpus konkurences – būšu neredzams citiem. Savu ar pulksteni sazīmēto gpx formā gan aizsūtīšu, Olle pielikšot kopbildē.
Pag, šo nesapratu… Igauņiem starts Põlva, latvietim – no robežas?! :o
Protams, lai veicas! Jebkurā variantā, kāds notiks.
Skatītājiem jāatgādina: kartē redzamie (rādāmie) trekeri būs te – .