
Komanda piedalās

1. janvāris 00:01

Neujahrsmarathon Zürich

Vieta: ,
Notikums: , , , ,
Distance: , ,

Mājas lapa: Neujahrsmarathon Zürich
Pieteikšanās lapa: Neujahrsmarathon Zürich pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The concept of the Neujahrsmarathon – with its worldwide unique start at midnight in the very first second of the new year and with the consequent official world leading times of the year for the winners – remains unchanged. As part of this concept, runners will again have the option to register for the marathon but still decide during the race which distance to run.

On 1 January 2017 there were for the first time more than 1000 runners from 53 different countries and all continents. Due to these steadily increasing numbers, we decided to limit the numbers of runners for the quarter marathon and the half marathon to 300 and 400, respectively, in order to guarantee a high quality of the event. No such restrictions apply to the full marathon, the team run and the kids run.

Izmanto iespēju sasniegt Latvijas labāko maratona rezultātu 2018. gada sezonā! :) Tādu statusu saglabāsi vairākas dienas vai pat nedēļas.

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