
Komanda piedalās

29. novembris 08:30

Nafplio HALF Marathon [VĒLREIZ MAINĪTS datums!] + Nafplio Castle Run

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Mājas lapa: Nafplio HALF Marathon [VĒLREIZ MAINĪTS datums!] + Nafplio Castle Run

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

With respect to our visitors who anticipated their participation on Nafplio Marathon and sensitivity to the community and public health we announce the postponement of the events scheduled for March 6 – 8 in Nafplio.

The Organizing Committee of  Nafplio Marathon, ANNOUNCES: the NEW date for the Nafplio Marathon racing event and parallel activities. The new date is the 17th May 29 November 2020.


Nafplio is a favorite destination for the inhabitants of Attica and Peloponnese through-out the winter-summer season.

Run in Nafplio Marathon and enjoy one of the most romantic city of Greece. The race offers runners the chance to have a unique experience.

Participating in the Nafplio Marathon provides a remarkable experience for runners to run along a beautiful coastal route at one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Peloponnisos, with a rich history, natural, privileged beauty. The Nafplio marathon promises to be a thrill for runners, as they run along the flat surface and enjoy the breathtaking views.


Event Schedule:

Friday 27 November
11:00 –19:00: Operation of Registration Center
12:00: Press Conference
Center for Hellenic Studies (Greece), Harvard University
19:00: Educational speech

Saturday 28 November
11:00 –19:00: Operation of Registration Center
15:00- 16:30: Volunteers and Stuff training
12:00 Nafplio Chess Accademy. SIMULATE event on Trion Navarchon square.
18:30 –20:30: Pasta Party!
19:00: Cultural Event (VOULEFTIKO)
20:30: Music Event

Sunday 29 November
Castle entrance on 25th March str.
07:00 – 13:00: Information Desk
08:30, Start Half- Marathon race
08:30, Start 10 km race
11:30, Start 5km race
12:30, Start 2,5km race
13:00, Start Castle Run – 5km race
Podium: 11:00 – 13:30


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