The Promsvyazbank Moscow Marathon route offers a spectacular tour of Russia’s capital, from the embankment of the Moskva River by Moscow City, to the Garden Ring, across Krymsky Bridge, along the Boulevard Ring and on Tverskaya Street, through Teatralny Passage and under the walls of the Kremlin before finally reaching the finish line at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex.
Over the course of the race, participants will be able to see more than 30 world-famous attractions, including the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow City, and four of the Seven Sisters skyscrapers.
Maratons gan notiek Maskavā un septembrī, tomēr tas vairs nav savā laikā populārais MMMM, bet jauns pasākums, kas stājies vietā. Šogad piekto reizi.
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Jaa, atvainojos ka tikai tagad ieliku notikumu. Pagājušaja gadā man liekas ka reģistrāciju internetā pagārināja, jo bija vietas. Arī pirms sacensībām varēja pieteikties, bet tas maksāja jau 4000 rubļi.