
Komanda piedalās

12. janvāris 09:30

Marathon International de Fes

Vieta: ,
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Mājas lapa: Marathon International de Fes

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The Fez International Marathon is a celebration of running and history in one of the most attractive regions of Morocco, which is the city of Fez. An event both festive and magical in a friendly atmosphere.
The Grand Marathon Internationnal de Fès is the race not to miss, organized by a team of passionate sportsmen supported by the different organizations of the city of Fez.

Atzīmēt piedalīšanos VSK Noskriet kalendārā, var tikai VSK Noskrien biedri. Bet ja tu tāds neesi, tad vari par tādu kļūt.

VSK Noskrien - galvenais nav uzvarēt, galvenais ir noskriet.
VSK Noskrien biedri kas piedalās
Neviens no VSK Noskrien vēl nepiedalās.





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