
Komanda piedalās

27. oktobris 10:10

Lausanne Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Lausanne Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The Lausanne Marathon has made a name for itself as one of the most beautiful races in Europe. The outstanding natural surroundings of the route provide even more motivation for around 15’000 participants. The Lausanne Marathon winds its way between Lake Geneva and the verdant shoreline of the Lavaux vineyards before finishing in front of the fountain at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, the Olympic Capital. The route running along the shores of Lake Geneva and through the UNESCO-listed Lavaux vineyard terraces makes the Lausanne Marathon one of the most beautiful in Switzerland and the world. On the last Sunday in October, thousands of athletes and onlookers come to Lausanne for one of its main sporting events.


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