
Komanda piedalās

17. septembris 09:00

Julian Alps Trail run 30km

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Mājas lapa: Julian Alps Trail run 30km
Pieteikšanās lapa: Julian Alps Trail run 30km pieteikšanās
30 km –Run along one of the most stunning ridges in Slovenia

You start your race at Planina pod Golico from where an organisation vehicle will accompany you to some breath-taking single trails. From there you’ll go to one of the most stunning mountain ridges in Slovenia – from Golica to Dovška baba, where you’ll be able to admire Julian Alps the whole time. Then you’ll descend to the valley and go straight back up to Srednji vrh in order to admire some more stunning views.

Distance: 34,1 km
Elevation gain: 1650 m+
Start: Saturday, 17. 9. 2022, first group 9:00, second group 10.30 in Planina pod Golico*
*route can be changed, however elevation and distance will remain the approximatelly the same.



You start at Planina pod Golico and then you have to climb 800 vertical meters almost straight away – to the top of Golica. And then you can relax and enjoy one of the most stunning ridges in Slovenia. From Golica, through Hruški vrh and all the way to Dovška baba. And then a big descent, where you reach your next refreshment point in Dovje after descending more than 1000 meters. You run a few kilometers along river Sava and then climb right back up to get some more views – to Srednji vrh, where you’ll enjoy one of the best views of mount Špik and some other Julian Alps peaks. Then there is another descent waiting from Srednji vrh and you run straight to the finish line in Kranjska Gora.

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