
27. marts 09:00

Heavy Metal Ultra Virtual Edition (27.-?? marts)

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Mājas lapa: Heavy Metal Ultra Virtual Edition (27.-?? marts)

HMU Virtual Edition_2021


NB! This event will not replace in any way the main event, which takes place in August!


Things are locked again and everything seems more and more like déjà vu of last spring. As a request of audience, we will organize also this spring the Heavy Metal Ultra Virtual Edition. Because otherwise it’s boring and people tend to do all kinds of stupid things out of boredom.


27.03 starting at 9:00 is the start and each participant runs 6.7km at the place of their choice (can also run on a treadmill). Upon completion, the participant will post a proof of his / her result to a specially created Messenger group. A screenshot of Strava or another similar application or a photo of a watch is also suitable for this. In any case, the time and distance must be visible.

The Messenger group is created an hour before the start from those people who have registered as “going” in the FB event. Please post only results there. Other impressions, pictures and things like that are all very welcome, but please post them on the FB event wall.
Every next full hour there is a new start where the participant has to run 6.7km again. Can be done in different places, not necessarily the same path. And at the end of each round, you have to make a post to the Messenger group again with your time and distance. The distance may be more than 6.7 km, but in no case less. At the end of each lap, reset your watch to always see the time and distance of the last lap.

When you finish and no longer plan to run, write it to the Messenger group as well.
The time between the end of the run and the new start is completely free, do what you want.
The competition lasts as long as there is the last participant who has to run another 6.7 km alone to win.
Lap times will be in the live table (after you post your time to the Messenger group): I’ll post the link later

For participation fee, please make a donation to (choose the amount yourself):
MTÜ GUIDE RUNNING ESTONIA, Reg nr: 80586706, Account nr: EE602200221075233432


Atzīmēt piedalīšanos VSK Noskriet kalendārā, var tikai VSK Noskrien biedri. Bet ja tu tāds neesi, tad vari par tādu kļūt.

VSK Noskrien - galvenais nav uzvarēt, galvenais ir noskriet.
VSK Noskrien biedri kas piedalās
Lielkuilis piedalās

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5 komentāri rakstam Heavy Metal Ultra Virtual Edition (27.-?? marts)

  • Andulis

    Virtuāla “pagalma ultra” FB-mīļiem. Var patrenēties pirms nākamās nedēļas Supervaroņu analoga ;)

    Varbūt zinātāji (matiss?) pakomentēs par finansiālo pusi, ja tur bija kas svarīgs piebilstams. Esmu par slinku iedziļināties, meklēt.

  • Andulis

    Laikam tomēr nav TE nekādas īpašas finansiālās puses! ;) Atvainojos par dezinformāciju.

    Sajaucu ar Baltijas (virtuālo) čempionātu taisnā skriešanā :) – tur gan it kā būšot labdarības piešprice.

  • Lielkuilis

    Te arī ir finansiālā puse – ziedojums organizācijai, kas palīdz vājredzīgiem skrējējiem atrast pavadoņus.

  • Andulis

    Paldies, tas ir interesanti. Tikai… nemanu skaidri uzrakstītu nekur.
    Laikam labi apslēpts kādās FB komentāru dzīlēs? Kurām Cukurkalna impērijā neasimilētie tagad pat netiek klāt īsti pilnīgi :(

    Tātad, organizācija saucas MTÜ GUIDE RUNNING ESTONIA, kā saprotu.

  • Ultratakas FB lapā atsvaidzināts info par Baltijas čempionātu Taisnajā skrējienā un dalības maksām. Būs arī mūsējo pārstāvniecība. Distances garumam un ilgumam nav nozīmes, visu izsaka lineāla taisnums ;)





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