
6. maijs 09:45

Harmony Genève Marathon for Unicef (5. un 6. maijs)

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Mājas lapa: Harmony Genève Marathon for Unicef (5. un 6. maijs)
Pieteikšanās lapa: Harmony Genève Marathon for Unicef (5. un 6. maijs) pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The Harmony Geneva Marathon for Unicef is arguably one of the most picturesque city marathons in Europe and unquestionably one of the fastest. The course takes in the countryside nestled between mountains and the shore of Lake Geneva before finishing in the heart of the city in front of the famous Jet d’Eau.

The 14th edition of the Harmony Geneva Marathon for Unicef takes place on 5th-6th May 2018. Thousands of runners from more than 120 global destinations are expected to join this inclusive festival of running by signing up for one of eight events: Marathon, Relay Marathon (4-6 people), Half-Marathon, Wheelchair Race, 10km (open to runners and walkers), La Genevoise #LikeAGirl by Always (a 6.5km race for women) and Junior Races (1 to 5km for 6 to 15-year-olds).

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