
Komanda piedalās

18. februāris 10:00

Gensan Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Gensan Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon
Pieteikšanās lapa: Gensan Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The Gensan Romeo & Juilett Half Marathon, or as the Italians would say “Giulietta e Romeo”, is an annual event to celebrate the best things in life LOVE and RUNNING!

Every year the event attracts thousands of runners, many who join the race in pairs. It is the second largest Italian Half marathon and fourth biggest running event in the country in terms of numbers of finishers. The course certified by FIDAL and officially measured by AIMS.

The Giulietta e Romeo Half marathon always takes place in February, as close to Valentine’s day as possible. Due to the timing in mid-February, the race gives a perfect opportunity to test yourself in an intermediate distance before joining longer distance races later on in spring.

As a runner you will experience the beautiful city of Verona, by many considered one of the most romantic cities on earth. You cross the finishing line in front of the Roman Arena in Piazza Bra. Hopefully to be greeted by a warm kiss!

The price will increase according to the reaching of a predetermined number of members according to this scheme:

  • Up to 500 athletes: € 20,00
  • From 501 to 1000 athletes: € 22,00
  • From 1001 to 2000 athletes: € 24,00
  • From 2001 to 3000 athletes: € 26,00
  • From 3001 to 4000 athletes: € 28,00
  • From 4001 to 5000 athletes: € 30,00
  • From 5001 to 6000 athletes: € 32,00
  • From 6001 to 7000 athletes: € 34,00
  • From 7001 to 10000 athletes: € 36,00


  • Agrāk   2016,   2015

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