
Komanda piedalās

26. maijs

Coastal Trail Series – Flete

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Mājas lapa: Coastal Trail Series – Flete
Pieteikšanās lapa: Coastal Trail Series – Flete pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Coastal Trail Series ir krosa skriešanas seriāls, kas norisinās Lielbritānijas skaistākajās un klinšainākajās krasta vietās no oktobra līdz maijam, kopā aizvadot 11 posmus.

Sezonas jaunums: katrā posmā ieviesta arī ultradistance. Dažos posmos, arī šajā, tā ir kvalifikācijas skrējiens The North Face® Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc® 2014/2015 – 1 punkts.

The Flete Estate situated on the South Devon coast is a privately owned country estate stretching over 5000 acres. Lying at the mouth of the Erme Estuary in an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Flete fits the bill as ideal for trail runners. Closed to the general public all year, we thoroughly recommend joining us and taking to the trails to explore the private woodlands, coastal paths and beaches.
This event will be part of the Endurancelife Festival. More info coming soon, but NB: If you register for this event, you will be able to convert your entry into a Festival Pass once these come available.
The location has been used in a number of film productions, including Sense and Sensibility and Hornblower, and is only a short drive away from the historic towns of Salcombe and Dartmouth.

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