
Komanda piedalās

28. oktobris 09:00

Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon

Vieta: ,
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Mājas lapa: Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Brussels Airport is the new title sponsor of the Brussels Marathon & Half Marathon for the next three years. As airport at the heart of Europe, Brussels Airport connects the country’s capital with the rest of the world and the airport will also attract increased attention internationally for the Marathon & Half Marathon.

The Brussels Airport Marathon & Half Marathon will, for the second year in succession, be part of the Great Run Series, a collection of prestigious long runs in Europe and a predicate for high quality. This is why the event is attracting an ever-growing international public wanting to combine a visit to Brussels with an athletic challenge. Last year, 20% of the more than 13,000 participants came from abroad.

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