
Komanda piedalās

22. marts 09:00

Athens Half Marathon [TIEK PĀRCELTS, tad ATCELTS vispār!]

Vieta: ,
Notikums: , , ,
Distance: , , ,

Mājas lapa: Athens Half Marathon [TIEK PĀRCELTS, tad ATCELTS vispār!]

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:



Following up the Hellenic Government’s announcement regarding measures to further restrict the corona virus contagion in Greece, the organizers of the 9th Athens Half Marathon, SEGAS and the Municipality of Athens, would like to announce that the event scheduled to take place in March 22nd 2020, is postponed.
The new date and further information will be announced soon.


A unique celebration in the centre of Athens; an exceptional spring experience in the heart of the city that brings together sports, culture and entertainment; a race that gives us the opportunity to enjoy the city’s charm, enhancing the meaning of “togetherness” and companionship.

  • Agrāk    2018

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