
29. septembris 09:00

41st PZU Warsaw Marathon

Vieta: ,
Notikums: , , , ,
Distance: ,

Mājas lapa: 41st PZU Warsaw Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:


Race Kit without t-shirt Race Kit with cotton t-shirt Race Kit with technical (adidas) t-shirt Race Kit with 2 t-shirts (cotton and technical)
from 13th of April 2019 until 31st of August 2019 €55 €60 €70 €75
from 1st of September 2019 until 26th of September 2019 €65 €70 €80 €85
from 27th of September 2019 (and in the race office) €75 €80 €90 €95

Atzīmēt piedalīšanos VSK Noskriet kalendārā, var tikai VSK Noskrien biedri. Bet ja tu tāds neesi, tad vari par tādu kļūt.

VSK Noskrien - galvenais nav uzvarēt, galvenais ir noskriet.
VSK Noskrien biedri kas piedalās
Neviens no VSK Noskrien vēl nepiedalās.





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