
Komanda piedalās

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38th Tartu Forest Marathon (virtuālais skrējiens) (1.-17.05)

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Mājas lapa: 38th Tartu Forest Marathon (virtuālais skrējiens) (1.-17.05)

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Tartu Forest Marathon, known as the biggest cross-country running event in the Baltics, brings around 10 000 participants to the track each spring. In today’s situation, where sports and mass events are prohibited, the organizers decided that this year the 38th Tartu Forest Marathon will take place as a virtual race.

“We want to encourage people to keep optimistic mind and positive attitude in these extremely challenging and changing circumstances,” says Indrek Kelk, the Race Director of Tartu Forest Marathon. “Regular outdoor activities help to survive the crisis more easily, to stay healthy and to keep up with the good physical shape. The virtual marathon motivates people to continue their everyday training, and while running such a marathon, there is no need to fear the risk of infection in a large crowd of runners. Everyone can choose their favourite place to run – it can be also all alone in the nearest forest or hiking track,“ he adds.

Participants can choose between the 4 traditional distances of the regular forest marathon: 42, 24, 10 or 5 km. It is up to each participant to decide where to run. Marked trails of Tartu Forest Marathon can be used, but also forest and city trails that are most comfortable for the participant, are suitable. The selected distance must be completed within the two weeks period between May 1st to May 17th and the running log sent to the organisers. All virtual runners will be awarded with a magnificent medal of Tartu Forest Marathon.

Registration takes place on Club Tartu Maraton’s website at up to 17.05.20 at 23:59.

Entry fees:

42 km 24 km 10 km 5 km
up to 17.05.2020 20 EUR 20 EUR 15 EUR 15 EUR

In case the right of participation is waived, the participation fee is not refunded.

Participant has to upload the log file of their device by clicking on their name in the list of participants before May 17th at 23:59.

Unofficial results will be updated on the website The official results will be issued on May 22nd at 17:00 on the website


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