24 h Portugal – 24 Horas a Correr 2015, is 24 hours running event that will take place at an urban park in Vale de Cambra (NW Portugal), at 19-20st September 2015. Along with the main course it will also take place a shorter run: 3 hours running.
Both events can be raced in solitary or as a team.
Portugāļi gaida ciemos zvaigznes – 24hportugal.com/valedecambra/from-baltic-to-vale-de-cambra/ !
Kaut kas nav izdevies :(
nē Anduli, novembrī negribas skriet septiņniekus. bet 3k līdz gada beigām jāsavāc ;)
kas notika? :(
Karstums soreiz patiesam piebeidza. Bet vismaz sanaca izbaudit pasakumu no abam pusem.