
3. oktobris 14:30

40th Helsinki City Marathon [MAINĪTS datums!]

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Mājas lapa: 40th Helsinki City Marathon [MAINĪTS datums!]

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

(1.04.) The largest running event in Finland, Helsinki City Running Day, is now scheduled to take place on Saturday the 3rd of October 2020 at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium. (…)

The runners who are unable to take part in the postponed race will be given the chance to transfer the registration to next year’s event on May 15th, 2021. Also, transferring the registration to another runner to this year’s rescheduled event with a 10 EUR transfer fee will still be possible. Registered participants will receive additional information in the upcoming days. The registration for 2020 is now re-opened as well.

(12.03.) On March 12th, 2020 the Finnish Government has announced that all the events with more than 500 participants will be cancelled until end of May, 2020. In alignment with this recommendation, Helsinki City Running Day originally scheduled for May 16th, 2020 is postponed to early autumn 2020.

-We are following the recommendations of the public health officials and authorities and will announce the new date as soon as possible.


The major marathon of Helsinki, Garmin Helsinki City Marathon will celebrate its 40th anniversary on May 16th October 3rd, 2020. The Helsinki City Marathon was organized for the very first time in 1981 and it has always been the most international and largest marathon event in Finland. In 2018, the Helsinki City Marathon’s date changed from August to May, and since that the Helsinki City Marathon has been organized in May [as] part of the Helsinki City Running Day.

In the Helsinki City Running Day there is something for everyone: Finland’s largest half marathon Helsinki City Run, the 40th Garmin Helsinki City Marathon, Helsinki City Marathon Relay, the short but sweet Helsinki City 5 and the adorable kids’ Minimarathon. Moreover, completing the half marathon and marathon on the same day is possible in Helsinki City Double.

Helsinki City Double – the combination of half marathon and marathon – was first time available as it’s own race category in HCRD 2019. Double seems to interest many runners around the world and a special Helsinki City Double medal has been on many participants’ wish list. In HCRD 2020 we will fulfil your wish and every finisher of Helsinki City Double gets a special medal as a memory of the special performance.


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