
Komanda piedalās

3. marts 09:00

Nafplio Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Nafplio Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The “Nafplio Marathon” is a nice opportunity to run a fantastic route in one of the most beautiful towns in the area of Argolis (in eastern Peloponnese) as well as one of the most romantic, mysterious, blessed, full of natural beauty and culture cities all over Greece. Runners will have the chance to enjoy the city that was the first capital of the newly born Greek state between 1823 and 1834 and at the same time walking with the history, in the old town, they can easily release the important days this placed lived. Nafplio is a perfect base to explore major archeaological sites in Greece.

  • Agrāk   2018,   2016

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