
Komanda piedalās

9. decembris 08:30

Zurich Maratón Málaga

Vieta: , ,
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Distance: ,

Mājas lapa: Zurich Maratón Málaga

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The Zurich Marathon Malaga will now also have a half marathon event
NEW for 2018 revised marathon run course and the addition of the half marathon event.

The new layout is designed with the aim of offering the runner a better route in which to enjoy the marathon but also to do it as fast as possible. A clear commitment by the organization to create a fast course where participants can improve their personal best times, while running next to the sea.

The main change to the route is the inclusion of the bridge, reinforcing the back drop of the sea and passing through “La Farola” which was a favourite with runners in the previous edition. The route  will pass through Calle Bolivia and Avenida Salvador Allende, in the neighborhood of Palo, before returning through Avenida Juan Sebastián Elcano. A change was made to allow a wider space for the runners with the anticipated increase in participants.  The organization has confirmed that the half marathon and full marathon will start together and follow the same route for the first half of the marathon, where the half marathon finish line will be located.

Pieteikšanās līdz 3. decembra plkst. 20:00 vai līdz dalībnieku maksimālā skaita sasniegšanai (maratonā 8000, pusmaratonā 4000).

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