
Komanda piedalās

6. maijs 09:00

Volkswagen Prague Marathon

Skriešanas seriāls:
Vieta: ,
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Distance: , , ,

Mājas lapa: Volkswagen Prague Marathon
Pieteikšanās lapa: Volkswagen Prague Marathon pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

The Volkswagen Prague Marathon has become an essential race on the world running circuit. An exceptionally beautiful course. And a beautifully managed event, from the moment you visit our web site to register till the last note of the Prague Marathon Music Festival. We’re doing everything we know how, to make this an absolutely delightful event for runners. Because we figure those who are willing to put themselves through this kind of pain deserve a special kind of pampering.

Capacity: 10 600  IAAF label: IAAF Road Race Gold Label  Did you know that…: The Volkswagen Prague Marathon with the event record of 2:05:39 is fastest marathon held in May in history?


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