
Komanda piedalās

8. aprīlis 09:05

Movistar Medio Maratón de Madrid

Vieta: ,
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Distance: ,

Mājas lapa: Movistar Medio Maratón de Madrid
Pieteikšanās lapa: Movistar Medio Maratón de Madrid pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

Madrid will become an athletics capital city next 8th April where to celebrate Movistar Half Marathon of Madrid (21,1 km) and ProFuturo Race 2018 (5 km) with a total of 25,000 participants.

Half Marathon of Madrid is seeking to consolidate itself as the best-known Spanish Half Marathon, with the best participation and adequate to make your debut in a distance race more beloved as days go by. For participants who make their debut or want to achieve a goal, pacers and timing markers will be available with a broad range of times.

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