
Komanda piedalās

18. marts 09:00

Athens Half Marathon

Vieta: ,
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Mājas lapa: Athens Half Marathon
Pieteikšanās lapa: Athens Half Marathon pieteikšanās

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The 2018 Athens Half Marathon will be held on 18 March in the city centre of Athens, starting and finishing at Syntagma Square, in front of the monumental building of Greek Parliament, and is about to welcome more that 20,000 runners of all ages.

A unique celebration in the centre of Athens; an exceptional spring experience in the heart of the city that brings together sports, culture and entertainment; a race that gives us the opportunity to enjoy the city’s charm, enhancing the meaning of “togetherness” and companionship. Two day before we welcome spring into our lives, with Spring Equinox being on March 20th, join us in order to spread laughter and positive attitude all around the city, taking part in this surprising race for all.

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