
7. oktobris 10:30

3 Country Sparkasse Marathon

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Distance: , ,

Mājas lapa: 3 Country Sparkasse Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:

The course is though three countries
The marathon starts from the beautiful Island of Lindau -habour, then passes through the Austrian towns Lochau, Bregenz, Hard, Höchst, it then crosses the Swiss border at St. Margreten and continues across the Rheindamm back to Hard and finally finishes in Bregenz.

A marathon to enjoy
60% of the course takes place along Lake Constance. You pass the world’s largest open theatre, with the stage design of the opera Turandot. Then passing through reeds and woods, you finally finish in the Casino-Stadium in Bregenz, where a cheering crowd awaits you.

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