
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

5. oktobris 09:30

Tartu City Marathon

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Mājas lapa: Tartu City Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:


In the beginning of October the running fans are welcome to the Estonian university town Tartu!

Tartu City Marathon tracks guide the runners throught all beloved parts in town and are considered as the most exciting marathon courses in Estonia. The entire 42 km distance is in one lap, which means that each race kilometer is unique and offers new experiences. The following distances are opened: marathon, half-marathon and 10 km.
Time limits for passing 42 km is 7 hours, for 21 km 3,5 hours and for 10 km 2 hours.

The program includes also kids races and a cool Friday Night Run. All together thousands of runners enjoy the golden autumn in Tartu every year!


Atzīmēt piedalīšanos VSK Noskriet kalendārā, var tikai VSK Noskrien biedri. Bet ja tu tāds neesi, tad vari par tādu kļūt.

VSK Noskrien - galvenais nav uzvarēt, galvenais ir noskriet.
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