
28. aprīlis

10th Madeira Island Ultra Trail® (28.-29. aprīlis)

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Mājas lapa: 10th Madeira Island Ultra Trail® (28.-29. aprīlis)


MIUT (115 km / 7200 D+)       (ITRA dod 7700 D+)

-This race is limited to 900 competitors.

-This race is part of the 2018 calendar of the UTWT – ULTRA-TRAIL® WORLD TOUR as PRO race.

– 2018 Qualifying race with 5 points for UTMB®.

– Qualifying race for Western States 100 of 2019  (ja rezultāts zem 29 h)

-This race is also part of the  Portuguese National Championship Ultra Endurance 2018.

The departure of the MIUT race will be given at 00:00 on the 28th of April, in the center of Porto Moniz, traveling, in a first nocturnal phase, by winding footpaths and levadas on the North Coast, towards the plateau of Paúl da Serra – on the Western mountain massif. The first major ascent has a reference point in Fanal. The technical descent to Chão da Ribeira is next and, then, a new long ascent to Estanquinhos. São Vicente is the next passage, before the arrival at Encumeada, where the route enters the Central mountainous massif, but not before making an incursion to Curral das Freiras, before facing the mythical peaks, Ruivo and Areeiro. From there, the route is mostly downwards, with passages at Ribeiro Frio and Portela, after which the Funduras mountain offers endless single tracks towards the technical descent of the Degolada towards the the foothpath of Larano that will take participants to the levada of Caniçal, with a previous passage at Boca do Risco. The final phase, along a levada, will have the backdrop of the Machico valley, with the finish line at the Forum Machico.


ULTRA (85 km / 4700 D+)

– This race is limited to 450 competitors

– 2018 Qualifying race with 4 points for UTMB®.

– This race is also part of the Portuguese National Championship Ultra Trail 2018

The departure of the ULTRA race will be given at 07:00 on the 28th of April, in the area of São Vicente towards the Fajã do Rodrigues Levada, before the arrival at Encumeada, where the route enters the Central mountainous massif, but not before making an incursion to Curral das Freiras, before facing the mythical peaks, Ruivo and Areeiro. From there, the route is mostly downwards, with passages at Ribeiro Frio and Portela, after which the Funduras mountain offers endless single tracks towards the technical descent of the Degolada towards the the foothpath of Larano that will take participants to the levada of Caniçal, with a previous passage at Boca do Risco. The final phase, along a levada, will have the backdrop of the Machico valley, with the finish line at the Forum Machico.


MARATHON (42 km / 1750 D+)

– This race is limited to 650 competitors

– 2018 Qualifying race with 2 points for UTMB®.

– This race is also part of the Portuguese National Championship Trail 2018

The MARATHON race will start at 11:00 of the 28th of April, in Monte – Funchal, departing towards Chão da Lagoa, passing on the way in Terreiro da Luta, Pico Alto then entering in Parque Ecológico do Funchal till Casa do Burro. From here the course is mostly downwards, with passages at Ribeiro Frio, Poiso and Portela, after which the Funduras mountain offers endless single tracks towards the technical descent of the Degolada towards the foothpath of Larano that will take participants to the levada of Caniçal, with a previous passage at Boca do Risco. The final phase, along a levada, will have the backdrop of the Machico valley, with the finish line at the Forum Machico.


MINI (16 Km / 375 D+)

– This race is limited to 500 competitors.

The departure of the MINI race will be given at 09:00 on the 28th of April, in the centre of Porto da Cruz towards the foothpath of Larano that will take participants to the levada of Caniçal, with a previous passage at Boca do Risco. The final phase, along a levada, will have the backdrop of the Machico valley, with the finish line at the Forum Machico.


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10 komentāri rakstam 10th Madeira Island Ultra Trail® (28.-29. aprīlis)

  • Andulis

    Tad nu beidzot tas ir noticis. Džokers atskrējis pirmais, pēc 13:57:10 !!

    Pirms tam, pēdējā kontrolpunktā (CP13 Larano) tuvākais sekotājs atpalicis par 16 minūtēm – un izskatās, ka finišā starpība varētu kļūt vēl lielāka?

  • Andulis


    Aurelien Dunand-Pallaz COMPRESSPORT SEN M France 14:19:05 00:21:55 Finished
    3º Jordi Gamito COMPRESSPORT SEN M Spain 14:22:28 00:25:18 Finished (laikam šis? bet ir arī otrs)

    Ir pratušies un pārliecinoši atpalikuši :)

    P.S. Abi DUV profili patiesībā attiecas uz vienu personu ;) Jordi Gamito Baus (1981)

  • Apsveicu Džokeru ar skaisto uzvaru!

  • Andulis

    Acīmredzot, uzvarētājs būs arī pamatīgi uzlabojis savu augstāko vērtējumu punktos par kādu taku sacensību distanci (ITRA score). Mēģināju parēķināt… Ja par finišu 32 stundās tiešām ir 410 p., tad Džokeram par šodienu sanāk gluži fantastiski 940 punkti! :o

    Iespējams gan, ka būs nelielas korekcijas uz leju, ja ITRA algoritmi atzīs, ka distance vairumam bijusi “viegla” (labi skrējusies)… Andris pats šo lietu reiz aprakstīja. Katrā ziņā, būs interesanti sagaidīt vērtējumu :)

    P.S. (pēc drusku vairāk kā diennakts): ITRA vērtējums sarēķināts šoreiz ļoti operatīvi; Andris saņēmis 883 punktus!
    No vienas puses, krietni uzlabots “Latvijas rekords” šim rādītājam… no otras puses, īsti nesakrīt ar augstāk izteikto prognozi. Vai kāds var apstāstīt – tiešām tik jūtama “korekcija uz leju” var notikt, par ~57 punktiem?

  • mtiger mtiger

    Forši, baigais malacis! Iedvesmo;)

  • Andulis

    Tikmēr “Ultra” distancē ir finišējuši vairāki latvieši:
    Andis Laveiķis 15:29:14 , Arturs Brants 16:23:15, Ēriks Lebedoks 17:06:47; uzvarētāja rezultāts 9:59:29.

    Drīz sagaidāma Ildze Straume (tuvāko 20-60 minūšu laikā?); uzvarētājai 10:33:38.

  • Andulis

    Ildzei finišs pēc 19:24:33.

  • Andulis

    Piebildīsim, ka “Maratona” distanci vakar veica Rolands Laveiķis (7:22:53).

    Savukārt, “Mini” distances devās Madeiras takas izmēģināja Līga Ozoliņa (2:05:27).
    Drīz varēsim apsveikt ar piebiedrošanos ITRA jau reģistrētajam >1 miljonam baudītāju. Ja nekļūdījos, tad viņa varētu būt 36. Līga – skaitot gan LAT, gan citas valstis pārstāvošās vārda māsas :)

    Patīkami, ka starp kopā septiņiem latviešiem nav neviena DNF.

  • 883 ITRA punkti – jauns Latvijas skrējēja rekords!!





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