
Es kā polar lietotājs, laiku pa laikam importēju gpx failus iekš endomondo. Bet man ir cits modelis. Es arī iekš flow pa taisno nedabonu. M400 ir flow lietotāji, ja?
Morten Frederiksen
October 03, 2016 21:18
Upload activities from Polar Flow to Endomondo.
Currently you can only get activities recorded with Polar devices to Endomondo via manual TCX/GPX export/import or via Strava and Tapiriik.
Alexey K
October 24, 2016 15:12
Strava doesn't export trains without GPS-data. I often train in gym, so can write only heartrate, and i find way to sync it with Endomondo.
1. polar flow -> strava
2. strava - tapirik - garmin
3. garmin -> endomondo
1st and 3d - are options of polar-site and endomondo-site
this configuration sync all the trains!
ratacit d
November 19, 2016 02:23
If you use Android this app SyncMyTracks is great. I use it to sync from Polar Flow to Endomondo.
Artūrs Topecs
February 03, 2017 20:41
Still no free solution to Autosync data from polar flow?
Ja uzzini ko ērtu, padalies arī ar citiem ;)


Brīvā versija testēta no :
Strava-> Endo
Strava-> Movecount
Polar -> Endo
Movecount -> Endo
Endo - Movecount
Sūdzību nav bijis.