Ne filma, bet reportāža, kā Eglītis stāda eglītes. :) Kuldīgā būs baigais egļu mežs!
Šosezon bija pat nododoms nepiedalīties pusītēs, bet tad atcerējos, ka patīk piemiņas medaļu kolekcija.
Te svaigi iznākusi čehu, slovāku, vācu filma Fair Play - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2199448/
The 1980s in Czechoslovakia. The young talented sprinter Anna (Judit Bárdos) is selected for the national team and starts training to qualify for the Olympic Games. As a part of the preparation she is placed in a secret "medical programme" where she's getting doped with anabolic steroids. Her performance is getting better, but after she collapses at the training, she learns the truth about the drugs. Anna decides to continue in her training without the steroids even though her mother (Anna Geislerova) is worried that she won't be able to keep up with other athletes and might not qualify for the Olympics, which she sees as the only chance for her daughter to escape from behind the Iron Curtain. After Anna finishes the last in the indoor race, her mother informs the coach (Roman Luknar) that Anna is no longer using steroids. They decide to apply the steroids to Anna secretly, pretending it's nothing but doses of harmless vitamins.
Ēriks Bērziņš said
The young talented sprinter Anna (Judit Bárdos) is selected for the national team and starts training to qualify for the Olympic Games. As a part of the preparation she is placed in a secret "medical programme" where she's getting doped with anabolic steroids.
Tas vien jau rosina dot priekšroku garākām distancēm.. ;)
Ne gluži par skriešanu, bet ...
Isklar Norseman Xtreme Triathlon 10th Anniversary Film (2013)
Norseman celebrated the 10th anniversary with two race days and close to 500 athletes.
Bronx Polarbear (2013)
Movie about winter swimming and a 72 year old Latvian in Bronx.
On Thin Sea Ice 2 (2011)
Guys skate on the ice and jump into the freezing water.
Varbūt kādam noderes - http://running.competitor.com/2014/11/news/movies-memorable-running-scenes_118634
Latvijas ultramaratonistu pieredzes vakars - video garajiem ziemas vakariem 2h:20m :)
skatījos, ka šeit vēl nav 2 filmu linki par maratonu ielikti -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCY0Xx92YvQ 5 min videoreportāža par 101 gadu vecu indiešu maratonistu veģetārieti, kurš Londonas maratonu ``nostaigāja`` 8 stundās
1,5 h gara dok filma par 4gadīgu indiešu puiku, kurš līdz 5 gadu vecumam noskrēja 48 maratonus, kā arī 67 km garu ultramaratonu 7 stundās bez dzeršanas kad trases beigās temperatūra sasniedza +35C!