
VSK Noskrien Facebook profils

6. oktobris 08:00

Wizz Air Skopje Marathon

Vieta: ,
Notikums: , , , ,
Distance: , , ,

Mājas lapa: Wizz Air Skopje Marathon

Treniņu plāns maratonam:

Treniņu plāns pusmaratonam:



Start/finish of all the races will be in front of the Assembly of Republic of Macedonian. Start of all races will be  at 8:00 a.m.  . Finish for marathon, half marathon and marathon relay will be in front of the Square “Macedonia”.


The start zone will be in be in front of the Assembly of Republic of Macedonian. Only competitors with the starting number will be allowed to enter the start zone. There will be starting blocks according to your predicted target time that you have chosen during the process of registration (this only applies to marathons and half marathons).
START Zone 1 – target time for marathon <3.10, target time for half marathon <1.40
START Zone 2 – target time for marathon 3.11 – 3.30, target time for half marathon 1.41 – 1.50;
START Zone 3 – target time for marathon 3.31 – 4.00, target time for half marathon 1.51 – 2.00;
START Zone 4 – target time for marathon> 4.01, target time for half marathon> 2.01
There will be one starting zone for the relay marathon and 5km race.


Runners of the marathon, half marathon and marathon relay race will have to cross the finish line within 5 hours and 30 minutes from the start of the race, and for 5km race is 60 minutes. All runners will be removed from the course after this time limit.


Course for the marathon and half marathon race runs from Vlae area to Aerodrom area. Half marathon race is 1 lap, and marathon runners will run the same lap twice. For 5 km race course is one lap.


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